You and your boyfriend have probably had those important conversations at this point. You know you want to spend forever together, so now you’re just waiting for the moment to HAPPEN! You trust him and you’re patient, but you’re SO EXCITED you can’t stop thinking about it!!
Well you’re in luck, there are a few things that you actually should be doing right now!
Go ahead and start getting some inspiration! It’ll be a nice jumpstart to already have an idea of what you like and what you don’t like so you can hit the ground running when the time comes.
I’m a firm believer that marriage does NOT erase friendships, but enhances them. However, if you’re currently living with your friends and will have to move out when you get married, embrace this time with your ladies! Because soon (in the words of Monica Gellar) [you’ll] have to live with a BOYYYY.
Let’s be real, this is the perfect time to let yourself splurge on a manicure. You’ll love having your nails done for any proposal photos! I recommend a french manicure to go with any style of ring.
While you don’t need to put anything in writing, it might be helpful to start considering what size wedding you’re hoping to have. This will highly affect your first big decisions in wedding planning – the venue, the budget and more!
If you know the season you might be getting married, you can start looking at some potential dates to consider. If you’re not sure of the season yet, start looking at dates for a few different seasons just in case!
This might seem obvious, but simply enjoy your relationship right now! It’s a simple time of being together without planning, so embrace the dating season you’re in right now!
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