How to Talk About Marriage with Your Boyfriend   Have you and your boyfriend been dating for awhile? Maybe things are starting to feel more serious and you’re ready to start having those marriage conversations. Keep in mind that everyone’s timeline looks different & the time that couples “feel” ready for marriage is always different! […]

How to Talk About Marriage with Your Boyfriend

Wedding Planning

How to Talk About Marriage with Your Boyfriend


Have you and your boyfriend been dating for awhile? Maybe things are starting to feel more serious and you’re ready to start having those marriage conversations. Keep in mind that everyone’s timeline looks different & the time that couples “feel” ready for marriage is always different!


This post includes some good rules of thumb on how to approach this big topic together.


Set Realistic Expectations

If you two have NEVER talked about marriage before, I would set the bar low for this first conversation. Maybe your boyfriend has already been considering it, but maybe it hasn’t yet entered his mind. Either way, this doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to marry you.


Approach the conversation lightheartedly and without the need to make decisions in that moment.



Be Willing to Listen

It’s possible that you’re ready and he isn’t quite yet. Be willing to listen to why he isn’t ready or wants to wait longer. Or maybe it’s the opposite! Maybe he’s ready sooner, but you want more time. Be open to suggestions and also don’t be afraid to freely speak your mind.


Keep in mind that fear is never a helpful guide in conversation. If you’re feeling afraid for any reason, give yourself some time to get back in a confident, level-headed mindset before entering in the conversation.



Remember Good Things are Coming!

If the conversation doesn’t go exactly how you want, don’t feel defeated! Just because a ring isn’t on your finger doesn’t mean good things aren’t coming. If you’re in a happy relationship that typically communicates well, you can rest easy.


Believing the best about your partner is a great place to start if you’re feeling anxious or fearful for the future. ENJOY this time and love each other well. After all, marriage is all about spending more time with this person!


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