View these dreamy sunset portraits as well as the rest of the wedding day taking place at Cloverleaf Farms right outside of Athens, GA.
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TRYPHENA GARDENS | FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA | WEDDING DAY Oh my GOSH! This wedding day will forever be one of my favorites! Saturday’s wedding showed 100% chance of rain and thunderstorms – in fact, it DID rain the entire day just an hour away from the venue. However, we had the BIGGEST blessing of no […]
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TAYLOR GRADY HOUSE | ATHENS, GEORGIA | WEDDING DAY Courtney & Ritchie are MARRIED! Despite the threat of rain, it turned out to be the perfect spring wedding day at the Taylor Grady House in Athens, GA. My first impression of Courtney & Ritchie are that these two people are so genuine & […]
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Roswell First Baptist | Roswell Historic Cottage | Roswell, GA Ashley & Steven are MARRIED!! The rain couldn’t take any joy from this couple’s heart – their day was absolutely perfect! There are LOTS more photos to come that I can’t wait to share with you all. But if you’re the impatient type, this sneak peak is just […]
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Rainy Weddings: What Brides Should Know | Wedding Planning Tomorrow will be my FIFTH rainy wedding day in just a few months, and while there are certainly challenges that come with that, I have learned A LOT that I think brides should know when preparing for the possibility of rain! 1. Never underestimate […]
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