Taylor & Bobbie



Every engagement session has those pre-meeting jitters. I feel a little bit like I’m going on a blind date.. looking for people who maybe look like my couple’s photo from Facebook?! I always obviously have my camera out to make it easy for them, too.

It’s becoming more and more of a thing that bride’s somewhat feel like they know me from Instagram which means, when it’s time to book.. they’re ready! This is really fun for me. What you may not know, from the photographer’s perspective, is that when you are all in on us, it makes it SO easy to give you a great experience. When you trust me, your posing, your joy, your photos are ALL on the next level.

It seems crazy to say.. but feeling comfortable and at ease makes a huge difference!

Taylor & Bobbie felt like one of these couples! Even before the shoot, Taylor and I were texting about her outfit choices.. I love getting to feel like a BFF helping you choose your clothes for a big night out.

Once we met each other, I thought… yep.. this couple is totally an MH couple. They love & prioritize photography, they trust me & they allowed themselves to have a great time during the shoot!

Taylor, your chose perfect fall outfits! I mean.. the colors and the variety is spot on.

These might be some of my new favorite engagement photos!!

PS – they both work in the medical field and met over ginger ale! These cute bottles are retelling their story 🙂


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