It was 2018 and I was doing the math for the 100th time to find out how many weddings I needed to book at what price to match my 9-5 salary and finally quit my job. It was a common sign that I was feeling stuck when I just had to run the numbers one more time to visualize how far away from freedom I was.
I had a little momentum with booking clients in the past, but it hadn’t been predictable and honestly.. I didn’t know where to channel my energy. What would actually work? What was just busy work that would amount to nothing? Would I ever really be able to be a wedding photographer as my full-time job?
You see, I loved the freedom of working from home. That was my drive at the time. What I didn’t envision was that 5 years later, I would have two baby boys (and another on the way) that I got to stay home with because I stuck it out and made this work.
The process wasn’t easy or straightforward, but I have worked and reworked my systems for booking IDEAL/DREAM clients year after year and I’m sharing them with you.
Instead of starting from scratch like I did, let me give you my playbook of secrets of how to get unstuck and start moving forward to your dream wedding photography business.
Do you want to book just any weddings this year to get out of a certain situation? Or are you looking to focus in on a certain client or certain vendors? For me, my first year out of my job, I was willing to take any clients and it worked well for that year. But the next years, I tried to really focus on the types of clients I wanted to work with and the venues I enjoyed working at over and over.
Don’t give into the insecurity that people aren’t booking, so maybe I’m not that great yet? Continue to grow your skills, but also work on the confidence that would come if you knew you were going to book solid for the year. What systems would you have in place to stay organized? What gifts would you spoil your clients with? What kinds of social media posts would you do if you weren’t feeling desperate for clients? How would you interact with potential clients if you were confident you’ll fill your calendar? Write these things down and begin to reshape your actions with confidence!
I have a pretty big secret I’ve kept for awhile about how I book weddings consistently with dream clients and dream vendors! It’s the kind of secret you have to show instead of just type, so I have a little video for you to view! PS – the majority of photographers are NOT doing this, so you will be ahead of the game! Andddd… I’m letting you in on this secret for FREE! Ready?!
I can't wait to hear more about your wedding day! The next step in the process is to inquire and receive the investment guide with all the information you need about the MH experience.
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