Rhythms of Life


Keep reading if you’ve ever thought or said one of the following statements:

  1. Once I finish insert random life achievement, I will have time for insert life desire.
  2. I don’t have time for all the things I want to do in life.
  3. I think maybe I just need more life balance.


Me, too. But I think it’s a lie.

I’m embarrassed to say I have said everyone of these statements too many times to count. But I’ve come to believe these thoughts are lies; they’re deceptions by the devil to give ourselves excuses for life passing us by. Let me say, this is not a post to encourage you to “quit doing all the boring things and do the things you love”. I don’t believe that gets us to higher places either.

Is the word “balance” throwing us off?

Think about what you imagine when you hear the word “balance” in regards to your life? What are some thoughts that come to mind?

I’m not sure why, but my mind goes to a stay-at-home-mom who takes care of the kids, cooks every meal, loves grocery shopping, does yoga, etc. etc. While I think there are total super moms who are made to do this every day, I don’t believe that’s how we are all built and sometimes that causes us (me) to hold ourselves to unfair standards.

The consistent pressure to achieve life balance every day is causing many of us intense anxiety and disappointment in ourselves.

Redefining what we live for.

So let’s take the “life balance” goal off the table for a second. Let’s stop trying to fill every single day with the proper amount of cooking, reading, quiet time, exercise, time with friends, talking to your parents, quality time with your boo, doing something fun, etc. etc. etc.

I have found life is meant to be lived in the extremes, but for a season.

Before I was married, I worked full time in college ministry. I knew during that time that I was filled when it came to time with God and spending time with friends (co-workers). But what was really lacking was the time to cook anything, to talk to or spend time with anyone outside of my workplace, etc. I remember feeling like I was failing for not having time or emotional energy to give to anything else.

But we are truly made for extreme seasons. For giving everything we got to what we can do in this season because it may not be something we can prioritize in the next.

What about you?

QUESTION –> If you’re like me, you have to put it into words to really grasp it & commit. So tell me in the comments, what are a couple of things you believe are priorities for you during this season?

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