


**This blog post is a little different than my normal wedding blogs, but I wanted to share something that’s been on my heart in hopes that it encourages someone who’s in a waiting season of life.** “Wait” is a word I used to hate. I’ve been told that a strength of mine is helping people […]


Pregnancy & Newborn Changes Because of Quaratine During this time of quarantine and social distancing, I’m watching as my Facebook feed fills with new moms who are navigating such a weird time in history. As a pregnant woman myself, I’m learning how to embrace this time as a gift from God and learn to adapt […]


This is a little break from my normal wedding posts to share with you something a bit more personal! My husband, Levi, and I just announced that we’re having a baby boy!! Due this September! I wanted to celebrate the good news, but I also knew for awhile that I would want to follow up […]


I remember before I started dating my husband that I thought comparison hit hardest on single girls. We’re scrolling through our social medias, seeing all of our friends getting engaged or having babies and we’re attempting not to get jealous. At best, we’re wishing our lives were like theirs, at worst, we’re judging them in […]


“God gives us the vision, then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of the vision, and it is in the valley that so many of us faint and give way” – Oswald Chambers 1. What’s your promise? Before I start, I want you to think of a personal […]


Keep reading if you’ve ever thought or said one of the following statements: Once I finish insert random life achievement, I will have time for insert life desire. I don’t have time for all the things I want to do in life. I think maybe I just need more life balance.   Me, too. But I think […]

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