The Houston Holidays


My husband, Levi, and I are still getting our swing of the holiday sharing with families (we’ve been married almost 3 years now so almostttt not newlyweds anymore!)

Levi’s family lives in Texas.. about a 12 hour drive for us.. yes – we’re crazy people and drive instead of fly because it’s easier with our dog (& we pack like crazy people). The past several years, we’ve made the drive out there & stay for awhile with his family since we don’t get to see them as much throughout the year. (I’m sure plenty of photos from there are coming soon!! We’ll be there Tuesday)

My parents live in South Georgia on the lake, so we tend to visit them a lot more throughout the year (especially in the summer since my b-day is July 3rd!) This year, we drove down for Thanksgiving..

I don’t ALWAYS bring my camera places because I tend to have a harder time “being in the moment” when I’m thinking about photo-ops, but this time we decided to bring it and…WOW I’m so glad we did!

My parents street is lined with pecan orchards.. usually at this time of year, the leaves have already blown off or turned brown so when we drove in and I saw this I HAD to convince Levi to take some photos with me.

(Behind the scenes of an Olde English Bulldogge that’s scared of everything.. lol. This was our attempt of getting him in the leaves)

My childhood best friend, Katelyn was coming to visit and pulled over when she saw us.. EVEN BETTER is she’s a photographer, too! So I passed off my camera and gave us a little photo shoot.

The truth behind how we got Bear’s attention in these photos haha!! Sorry Tinkerbell.. we love you!

If you’ve been married for over a year, but aren’t in the baby phase yet.. you probably understand the struggle of feeling like you’re “in between” the stages that deserve a photo session.. That sounds silly, but it’s hard to get photos done when no big life change is happening. But life is still NOW & still worth documenting because year 3 is wayyy better than year 1 and deserves some celebrating, too.

The next day.. we went to Albany, Georgia to visit the rest of my side of the family. Our group has changed a lot over the years.. we’re a family FULL of girls (my mom and her sister both had girls!) but we’ve added some men to the group over the years!

We decided to walk down the street to Radium Springs to take some family photos (& a couple of my cute little pregnant cousin, Taylor!) We missed my sister, Jami and her fiance, Julio this time!!

PS – Leave me a comment & lemme know how you pronounce “pecan”.. it’s an important question!


Radium Springs

Lake Blackshear

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